


A conceptual iOS app that encourages a sustainable lifestyle by creating everyday habits


It’s hard to imagine that your actions can actually have a positive impact on the world and help to combat global warming, which is why many people don’t put much effort towards a sustainable lifestyle. I certainly understand this mindset, being a 90’s kid that grew up in a rural town surrounded by cows and cornfields. How could it make any sort of difference on a large scale if I decided to recycle that bottle, or just throw it out?

However, if you were to influence 10 people around you to live more sustainably, and each of them were to influence 10 people, and each of them were to influence 10 people… The impact of your actions starts to spread and have a profound impact. After just 5 layers of this influence, 100,000 people would be living more sustainably. It’s like a pyramid scheme, except everybody wins.

It is becoming increasingly more important to act against global warming. I want to create an enjoyable way to show people that they really can make a difference and that it’s not as inaccessible as it may seem.


Framer X – Prototype

After Effects – Interactions

Sketch – Logo

Photoshop – Photo Editing


Show people that they really can make a difference by taking action against global warming and that it’s easier than they may think.

Target audience

People who are concerned about the effect of global warming on the environment, but aren’t actively changing their lifestyles to combat it.

Competitive analysis

I found 2 competitors to review based on the shared goal of helping users to live more sustainably. Each app has existed for at least 3 years and is unique in its features while sharing the main goal of sustainability and making a positive impact on the earth.

What it does well

• Visualizes actions and encourages repeat actions
• Explains why each action is important to the environment
• Makes actions seem enjoyable and easy to do

What it could do better

• The impacts that the user is making could be better visualized
• It requires a lot of work to perform repeat actions
• The user statistics are broken up into points, buzzes, actions, badges, and medals, which is a lot to comprehend

What it does well

• Visualizes actions and encourages repeat actions
• Explains why each action is important to the environment
• Makes actions seem enjoyable and easy to do

What it could do better

• The impacts that the user is making could be better visualized
• It requires a lot of work to perform repeat actions
• The user statistics are broken up into points, buzzes, actions, badges, and medals, which is a lot to comprehend


Turning small sustainable actions into everyday habits will encourage people to take bigger actions and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle

Long press to complete daily habits

To ensure that users only complete the tasks that they intend to, I’ve decided to require a long press for those buttons. The screen may get long depending on how many habits the user has selected, so this will avoid any accidental presses while scrolling

Long press to complete daily habits

To ensure that users only complete the tasks that they intend to, I’ve decided to require a long press for those buttons. The screen may get long depending on how many habits the user has selected, so this will avoid any accidental presses while scrolling