

The Giving Project


The Giving Project was created in hopes of getting people in the habit of donating to charitable causes more often. They plan on doing this by pairing up with local charities and running campaigns each month. Each person who donates is entered to win an exciting reward. This campaign was created to benefit the Music is Art foundation, while giving one lucky winner the ultimate Goo Goo Dolls experience.


  • Marketing director

  • Copywriter

  • Art Director

  • Developer

The goal: Get people to create accounts

We decided to focus heavily on the reward of this campaign and explaining how the program works, while treating the benefitting organization secondary. Since this was a new way of donating that people aren’t generally used to, we needed to capture their attention quickly, peak their interest, and then explain how it works. Ultimately, we believed that getting users excited about the reward would help raise the most money for Music is Art.

Creating a sense of urgency

We wanted to make sure users didn’t leave the page before donating. To help give an extra little push, we added a sticky CTA bar with a countdown clock. That way, they will always see that this offer won’t last forever, and can easily jump right down to the donation section at any point.

Brand awareness social video

Unrelated to this specific landing page, I was also tasked with creating a social video ad to help drive traffic to the website. The goal of the video is to give users an idea about what The Giving Project is, without getting into the specific campaigns so it can run simultaneously for brand awareness. The iconography for this project was created by our Art Director.